Golf Digest Email Marketing Campaigns & Strategy

Email marketing may increase client retention, retain brand loyalty, and provide additional value to your clients. This can be accomplished by informing customers of the newest specials, events, and other incentives through customer loyalty programs. 

If you aim to draw in more golfers as well as keep them returning for more, you must send out emails that immediately capture their attention and pique their interest enough to persuade them to make a reservation. Before you get a Golf Digest Best in Florida, you’ll need to learn the best techniques for creating email templates that increase click rates and produce more cash for your golf club business. 

Email Marketing Tips To Ensure The Complete Success Of Your Golf Digest Strategy

Before you send emails to golfers to promote your golf club or resort, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your campaign is a complete success. A few of them are listed below.

1. Collect Customer Data: Although you might not have the customers’ contact information at the time of registration, you can request it once they arrive at your location. When they pay their green fees, you can simply offer to enroll them in your customer loyalty program or encourage them to join. 

This database must be routinely maintained and updated. A loyalty program will be more effective if you continue to track what golfers enjoy doing at your resort.

2. Identify Target Audience: When considering which golfers to target with email marketing, you must first determine the type of individual you are contacting. It’s worth noting that the sport has gained popularity in the past few years among millennials and golfers who travel with children. You’ll need to design distinct email templates for each target demographic you intend to reach.

3. Use An Email Marketing Platform: When it comes to email marketing, employing a specialized email marketing service makes the entire procedure much easier. These businesses offer a plethora of free templates that you may use and customize to meet your specific requirements. 

They also provide built-in capabilities for tracking the efficacy of your emails as well as generating reports based on this information.

4. Personalize Email Content: Personalize the emails by greeting your prospective guest by their desired name. If you know their birthday, you can send them a lighthearted note, your birthday greetings, and a great offer that will make them feel special. 

You may also leverage their past performance on the courses and personal milestones, such as the number of rounds played, to demonstrate that you are aware of their accomplishments. It’s also an opportunity to provide unique incentives when they reach particular milestones.  

5. Offer Additional Value: When communicating your value proposition, keep the actual contents of the email to a minimum. You may include a discount coupon or tell your customer how many loyalty points they have acquired at the golf club and how they can redeem them. 

Your subject line should remain relevant to their interest, which in this example is golf, provide value, and convey a sense of urgency to entice them to immediately open the email. 


Golf firms who are inexperienced with email marketing will frequently discover that their first few messages do not produce a significant number of conversions. Continue to improve your templates so that they become more effective with each of your intended audiences, and also remember to personalize your content depending on previous client history. 
If you’re looking for ideas on how to deliver more value to golfers and what kind of incentives you may offer to boost your chances of success, look no further. If you’re not sure how to utilize email marketing software, how to write an impactful email, or if you don’t have the graphic design and web design abilities to create a competent-looking landing page, you’ll need the assistance of a digital marketer to be among the best golf resorts in Fort Lauderdale Florida.